Golf Benefit Sponsorship

Thank you for considering a sponsorship for Landmark School's Golf Benefit. Proceeds from this tournament support the Landmark Fund and significantly impact the day-to-day life of our 470 students who have language-based learning disabilities (LBLD). Please know your generosity will help ensure the event’s success and will have a direct and positive effect on the students, faculty, and programs at Landmark. 

Your sponsorship’s reach extends beyond the course! Sponsor names are shared with:

  • Over 400 current Landmark families via email
  • The Landmark website
  • The Lantern magazine, sent to over 7,000 recipients.

Please choose a sponsorship level and fill in your information below. 

Sponsorship Levels

$25,000 Presenting Sponsor

Includes four foursomes. Sponsor receives top listing in all promotional materials, including signage on the golf course, player carts, driving range, in the clubhouse, and post-event marketing materials, including
dedicated social media exposure.

$10,000 Lead Sponsor

Includes three foursomes, company signage on the driving
range, golf course, and in the clubhouse. Includes dedicated social media exposure.

$7,500 Cart Sponsor

Includes two foursomes plus company signage on all golf carts.

$5,000 Gold Tee Sponsor

Includes two foursomes plus company signage on the driving range and golf course.

$3,000 Corporate Sponsor

Includes one foursome plus company signage on the golf course.

$1,500 Half-Corporate Sponsor

Includes one twosome plus company signage on the golf course.

$600 Golf Hole Sponsor

Includes one player and your family or company name displayed on the tee of a golf hole of your choice.

Limited Sponsorships

$6,000 Double-Eagle Sponsor
Includes two foursomes, company name and logo on player giveaway, and signage on the golf course.

$5,000 Bar Cart Sponsor
Includes one foursome plus company signage on one bar cart providing hosted refreshments for all golfers during the tournament.

$4,000 19th Hole Sponsor
Includes one foursome plus company signage at the dinner reception and awards ceremony.

$3,000 Lunch Sponsor
Includes one twosome plus company signage at lunch reception.

$400 Send a Teacher Sponsor

A great way to invite and thank Landmark’s dedicated faculty. 

Other Opportunities

$400 Individual Golfer
Come enjoy a great day of golf, and we’ll pair you with others from the Landmark community.

MAKE A DONATION: If you are unable to sponsor, you can still donate to Landmark School. 

To secure your spot, please sponsor by MAY 2, 2025. For more information, please contact Bernie at [email protected] or 978.236.3208.


Please indicate how you would you like your name(s) to appear in event materials.
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Refer to descriptions above for level details.
In addition to sponsorships, we also welcome donations of any amount in support of this event.
Subtotal: $
Fees: $
Grand Total: $