Landmark School student at graduation

and Guidance

The Office of Transition and Guidance offers a comprehensive program from ninth grade through senior year preparing students for a variety of post-secondary experiences. By graduation, students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed.

Preparing Students For THEIR Future

Landmark prides itself on its college-preparatory program, where all students have the option to continue on to higher education.

While 94% of our students choose college, we support each student’s unique path. Our goal is to help them build a future that aligns with their passions and strengths. 

Students explore a wide range of post-secondary offerings—from college to career paths and everything in between. No matter the destination, we equip students with the confidence, skills, and knowledge to thrive.

Recent Colleges Attended

Adelphi University
American University
Assumption College
Auburn University at Montgomery
Becker College
Belmont University
Bennington College
Bentley University
Berklee College of Music
Boston Baptist College
Boston College
Boston Conservatory of Music at Berklee
Bridgewater State College
Bryant University
Champlain College
Chapman University
City College of San Francisco
Clark University
Coastal Carolina University
Colby-Sawyer College
Columbia College Chicago
College of Charleston,
Concordia University, Montreal
Cornell College
Culver Military Academy
Curry College
Dean College
Drew University
Drexel University
Dynamy Internship Year
Eckerd College
Elon University
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Endicott College
Faireld University
Fisher College
Fitchburg State University,
Florida Institute of Technology
Framingham State University
Franklin Pierce University
George Washington University
Gettysburg College
Hebron Academy
High Point University
Hofstra University
Hudson Valley Community College
Ithaca College
Johnson and Wales University
Keene State College
Lakes Region Community College
Landmark College
Lasell University
Lesley University
Liberty University
London University
Lone Star College,
Loras College
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Maryland
Lynn University
Madison Area Technical College
Maine College of Art
Manchester Community College
Manhattanville College
Marist College
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Massachusetts Bay Community College
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
McDaniel College
Merrimack College
Messiah College
Michigan State University
Middlesex Community College
Mitchell College
Montana State University
Montserrat College of Art
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Wachusett Community College
National Aviation Academy
New England College
New England Institute of Technology
New Hampshire Technical Institute
Nichols College
North Shore Community College
North Bennet Street School
Northern Essex Community College
Northeastern University
Norwich University
Norwich University of the Arts
Oberlin College
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University
Peterson School
Plymouth State University
Pratt Institute
Principia College
Providence College
Regis University
Regis College
Rhode Island School of Design
Ringling College of Art and Design
Rochester Institute of Technology
Roger Williams University
Rollins College
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Sacred Heart University,
Saint Joseph’s University
Saint Leo University
Saint Michael’s College
Salem State University
Salve Regina University
Santa Barbara City College
Savannah College of Art and Design
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Simmons College
Skidmore College
Southern Maine Community College
Southern New Hampshire University
St. Lawrence University
Suolk University
Swarthmore College
Syracuse University
Temple University Japan
Trinity College
Tulane University
The New School
Unity College
University of Arizona
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Denver
University of Hartford
University of Mary Washington
University of Maine
University of Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts, Boston
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
University of Mississippi
University of New England
University of New Hampshire
University of New Haven
University of Northwestern Ohio
University of Oregon
University of San Francisco
University of Southern Maine
University of Tampa
University of Tennessee
University of the Creative Arts
University of Vermont
University of Washington
University of West England
University of Wisconsin
Vermont Technical College
Virginia Military Institute
Washington County Community College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Western New England University
Westeld State College
Wheaton College
Worcester State University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Post-Secondary Examples

Post-Secondary Fair
For Students Who Learn Differently

Meet representatives from college and university admissions and student support services, gap year programs, technical schools, and other non-traditional options.

Thursday, April 10, 2025
6:00–8:00 p.m.

Landmark School (Ansara Athletic Center)
447 Hale Street, Prides Crossing, MA

Post-Secondary Fair Info and Resources

Post-Secondary Fair for Students Who Learn Differently

Transition Planning

Each year a student is at Landmark High School the transition curriculum will have a specific focus and theme that helps students think about their post-secondary planning and build a résumé. Learn about the transition process by year.

Freshman year

Identifying Interests

Freshman year is a time to adjust to the expectations and demands of high school. The first priority should be to develop good study habits and succeed in classes. This is also a time to identify areas of interest. The transition activities this year will encourage students to identify areas of interest and then to begin to explore them through research, coursework, and extra-curricular activities.

Academic Year Checklists for Students

  • Develop strong study skills and work hard to get solid grades.
  • When selecting electives, be willing to try new courses and expand your skill set.
  • Engage in community service opportunities both on campus and in your home community.
  • Participate in career exploration during Saturday School and Career Day.
  • Take an Interest Inventory to explore possible career goals. This is given during Saturday School in the fall.
  • Develop a working résumé. Make sure to include activities, awards, and honors.
  • Meet with your Academic Advisor to review year, evaluate your goals, and plan courses for the upcoming year.
  • Participate in annual review/IEP meeting if you have one. Be willing to offer your ideas and thoughts.
  • Find extra-curricular activities that you enjoy.

Summer Checklist for Students

  • Get a job or volunteer. Work experience will help you define your goals for the future
  • Read and write. Keep your academic skills sharp, develop your vocabulary, and develop areas of interest.
Sophomore year

Understanding Learning Preferences

The transition activities during sophomore year focus on helping students understand themselves as learners. A solid understanding of one's learning will be essential as students plan the future. In addition, students should begin to expand themselves by engaging in new activities or seeking leadership opportunities.

Academic Year Checklists for Students

  • Continue your involvement in extracurricular activities at school and in your community.
  • Look for opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills.
  • Engage in community service through the chaplain’s office or your community.
  • Develop a stronger understanding of your learning profile. Attend the Sophomore Saturday School workshop on learning.
  • Update your working résumé with new activities, awards, etc.
  • Review your working résumé to identify possible areas of weakness that can be addressed.
  • Meet with your academic advisor to discuss goals, academic progress, and course selection for the upcoming year.
  • Participate in annual review/IEP meeting.

Summer Checklists for Students

  • Get a job or volunteer at an organization.
  • Read and write!
  • Look for opportunities to explore your interests: summer courses, travel, workshops.
Junior Year

Exploring Options

Junior year is an important year as students begin to think about post-secondary options. If students have a particular interest, it will be important for them to take courses that will support that interest. Students will also begin to work with the Transition and Guidance Office as they begin post-secondary planning in detail during the second half of the year. 

Academic Year Checklists for Students

  • Meet with academic advisor to ensure you are on track to meet graduation requirements.
  • Work to maintain good grades.
  • Continue extra-curricular involvement.
  • Consider new community service opportunities to explore areas of interest and skill.
  • Seek and accept leadership opportunities.
  • Consider retaking an Interest Inventory.
  • Sign up for and take the SATs in January.
  • Begin meeting with guidance counselor after winter break.
  • Set up an account on College Board and begin exploring schools. Look at various types of schools.
  • Develop an initial list of schools you are interested in, conduct research, and begin to narrow down in meetings with Transition and Guidance.
  • Parents should plan to attend a Guidance workshop and meet with guidance counselor during spring Parents’ Days to get information about the post-secondary planning process.
  • Develop interview skills through Saturday School workshop and in-class activities.
  • Update a working résumé and review it with academic advisor and guidance counselor. Identify areas of possible weakness and make a plan to address.
  • Review course selection with academic advisor and guidance counselor.
  • Participate in annual review/IEP meeting.
  • Review SAT results with guidance counselor and make a plan for additional testing (SAT/ACT) as needed.
  • Begin to learn about the various levels of support that are available to students with language-based learning disabilities at the post-secondary level.
  • Attend Alumni Panel and ask questions.

Summer Checklists for Students

  • Explore summer activities and employment related to career goals and interests.
  • Review current cognitive and achievement testing with parents and develop a plan to update it if necessary. (Last testing should be within three years.)
  • Narrow list of schools and review application materials.
  • Decide if you plan to apply to any schools Early Decision or Early Action.
  • Develop a calendar that includes the application deadlines for the schools on your list.
  • Develop a list of questions for schools on your list. Think about academics, support, student life, and extra-curricular activities.
  • Begin to visit the schools on your list.
  • Continue to read and write!
Senior Year

Making a Plan

Now that students have learned about their interests, learning style, and options, senior year is the time to take all that information and begin to make specific plans for the future.  


  • Meet with academic advisor and guidance counselor to review courses to ensure you are meeting gradation requirements as well as acceptance requirements of schools that are on your application list.
  • Register and take the SAT and/or ACT as needed.
  • Review types of support and develop an understanding of the differences between high school and college.
  • Work on your personal essay. Seek teacher assistance.
  • Meet with Guidance to complete the Common Application and other applications as needed.
  • Review college list for any LD programs that have special applications and/or unique deadlines.
  • Finalize your list of schools.
  • Parents should plan to meet with guidance counselor during fall Parents’ Days.
  • Ask two or three teachers to write a recommendation. Provide them with your school list and a copy of your résumé when you make the request.
  • Attend college representative meetings on campus.
  • Make sure psycho-educational testing is updated.
  • Begin completing applications and submit them to Guidance Office.
  • Begin to schedule application interviews.
  • Develop a list of questions for the schools and set up school visits.


  • Complete all applications.
  • Finish scheduling application interviews as appropriate.
  • Continue to visit schools and meet with students and LD support faculty.
  • Contact admissions office to confirm that your applications are complete.
  • Complete FAFSA paperwork.
  • Learn about the transition from high school to college at Saturday School workshop with college support staff.


  • Review list of college acceptances as you receive them.
  • Plan to attend accepted students’ days as appropriate.
  • Discuss final decision with family, academic advisor, and guidance counselor.
  • Make final decision and send in your deposit (usually by May 1).
  • Contact support service office to submit documentation of learning disability and discuss accommodations.
  • Complete Landmark School academic work.
  • Meet with Guidance to review course options for freshman year.
  • Organize copies of your paperwork.
  • Graduate!

For more information about Landmark’s transition plan, please contact Kelly Scimone, Director of Transition and Guidance.