High School

The focus of our program is skill acquisition and mastery for students with dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities. The individualized program is centered on the development of language and learning skills, including reading, writing, comprehension, spelling, and vocabulary.

We provide a balance of support and appropriate challenge throughout a students experience, offering a wide array of courses to meet student's areas of interest and strength. In addition to our individualized programing, students are able to foster friendships and build community through shared electives, athletics, extracurricular activities, residential houses, trips, facilities, and much more.

Landmark's Approach

Landmark's approach is what makes us uniquely effective for students who struggle with reading, writing, listening, expressive language, and executive functioning skills.

Learn about the building blocks of Landmark’s approach, such as tutorial, small classes, trained faculty, and more.

Learn more about our Landmark's Approach >>

one to one


Tutorial focused on literacy and other skills.
small classes

Small Classes

Students are diagnostically placed into classes of 6-8 students based on their profiles.


Strategies that emphasize listening,speaking, reading, and writing are integrated through all subject areas.

Academic Programs

Landmark High School offers three academic programs for our students. Each program remediates the language skills of our high school students and prepares them for college and beyond. Learn about each program below or see a comparison of programs side-by-side.

Web of Support

A team of highly trained adults work together to meet each student's needs.

web of support

Quick Links

Curriculum Guide

Landmark High School's Curriculum Guide provides detailed information about our programs and curriculum.

Curriculum Guide


The Eric Alexander Memorial Library has a wealth of resources, digital and printed, for both students and faculty.


Transition & Guidance

Our Transition & Guidance counselors work intensively with students and families to create a post-secondary plan that meets their needs.



Technology is used in the classroom at every grade level at Landmark High School with the goal of promoting technological literacy.


Saturday School

As part of the high school curriculum, there are eight Saturday Schools scheduled throughout the year (approximately once a month). Each Saturday School runs from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., and the format differs from the other days in the school year.

The Saturday format allows students to gain exposure to a variety of useful and relevant curriculum while also spending time with peers. 


Landmark School's Capstone project offers seniors a unique opportunity to apply their learning in a real-world context, fostering growth and independence as they explore their passions.

Learn More

Dual Enrollment Program

Landmark offers dual enrollment for qualified students through the Van Loan and early college program at Endicott College. Dual enrollment allows students to gain three college credits for each Endicott course while earning full high school credit. As Landmark students, they are supported and guided through the process.  Landmark faculty work with students to apply their study skills to the college class(es) and to reinforce many of the "soft skills" of higher education such as navigating the college registration process, using the bookstore and library resources, managing larger classes, advocating with professors, and utilizing support services.

Hear what students say:
“I learned the differences between high school classes and college classes.”
“I learned that college classes actually aren’t that scary.”
“I learned how to organize my time better.”