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Six Teaching Principles: #6 Include Students in the Learning Process

May 29th, 2021


Students are not passive receptacles to fill with information. They come to class with their own frames of reference.

Their unique experiences and knowledge affect them as learners and should be taken into account. Therefore, during every exercise, teachers should accept student input as much as possible. Teachers should justify assignments, accept suggestions, solicit ideas, and provide ample time for students to share ideas. They should include students in assessing their own progress by reviewing test results, written reports, and educational plans. Creating and improvising opportunities to involve students in the learning process allows students to become aware of how they learn and why certain skills benefit them. As a result, students are motivated and more likely to apply those skills when working independently. In short, an included student becomes an invested student who is eager to learn.


“Setting goals has proven to be a successful way to get students to buy into academic tasks, reduce complaints, and encourage progress.” —Deb Chandler, academic advisor, Elementary•Middle School
“In our ongoing quest to foster healthy decision making and destigmatize conversations around mental health, we invite students to co-lead discussion groups and to serve as ambassadors to the larger school community.”  —Dan Larson, counselor, High School

Posted in the category Teaching.