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  • Students Volunteer at Local Horse Farm

    October 24th, 2021

    Students Volunteer at Local Horse Farm
    During Saturday schools in September and October, students volunteered at Windrush Farm, a horse farm in North Andover that specializes in using horseback riding to help people recovering from accidents or who were born with a disability improve their balance, mobility, and confidence. One group of ...

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    Posted in: High School
  • Landmark Idol Returns

    October 18th, 2021

    Landmark Idol Returns
    It's been two years since Landmark's talented students took to the stage for our own version of American Idol,  and it was worth the wait! In October, 15 brave students took to the stage and put on a rollicking show, lip-syncing to the latest chart-topping tunes and classic anthems. Congratul...

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    Posted in: High School
  • EMS Fall Cleanup

    September 30th, 2021

    EMS Fall Cleanup
    Students at the Elementary•Middle School helped to make the campus even more stunning by participating in a full-campus cleanup during milkbreak in late September. The event was the first of several initiatives being organized by the school's new Community Groups Program. Growth through service...

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    Posted in: EMS
  • 2021–2022 Student Council Officers Elected

    September 23rd, 2021

    2021–2022 Student Council Officers Elected
    The results are in! Landmark High School students voted to elect Student Council officers on September 23. Dillon West '24 won the race for president, Ciara Haggerty '21 secured the vice president slot, Rocco Carrieri '22 will serve as treasurer, and Kaitlin Rattray '22 assumes the position of ...

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    Posted in: High School
  • Sunaina Hoon

    September 20th, 2021

    Sunaina Hoon
    Because dyslexia does not discriminate, Landmark High School students hail from across the state, country, and world. Sunaina "Su" Hoon '22 is one of our international students who bravely ventured from afar—New Delhi, India—to Landmark when she entered ninth grade. She left behind all that wa...

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    Posted in: High School
  • Community Night: Welcome Back Dance and Fire Pit

    September 19th, 2021

    Community Night: Welcome Back Dance and Fire Pit
    Campus came alive this past Friday with over 100 students in attendance at the Welcome Back Dance. The Alexander tent proved to be a terrific location and the new fire pit was an ideal addition to our first community night of the year. Students danced, sang, chatted, mingled, and warmed themselves ...

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    Posted in: High School
  • Morning Workout Club

    September 15th, 2021

    Morning Workout Club
    Being back on campus for our students, especially those who live on campus through our Residential Program, affords students many benefits. In addition to learning self-advocacy skills, adopting more personal responsibility, taking care of their room and belongings—students are encouraged to at...

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    Posted in: High School
  • Day and Residential Students Return to Campus

    September 6th, 2021

    Day and Residential Students Return to Campus
    After nearly a year-and-a-half or remote learning, residential students returned to the High School campus for the 2021–2022 school year. New and returning residents were greeted by eager faculty and staff, who were thrilled for the gradual move toward a sense of normalcy. They were joined by ret...

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    Posted in: High School
  • High School Faculty Welcome Back

    August 24th, 2021

    High School Faculty Welcome Back
    Landmark High School faculty and staff started back-to-school training on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 (new faculty arrived to campus on August 9–see article). Colleagues and friends were joyful as they gathered under the tent on the Alexander lawn.  "Hey! Nice to see you!" and "How was your summ...

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    Posted in: High School
  • New High School Teachers Arrive

    August 15th, 2021

    New High School Teachers Arrive
    On Monday, August 9, 2021, 30 new faculty members arrived at the Landmark High School campus to begin our Teacher Residency Program, the first phase of which is three intensive weeks of on-site training. We are thrilled to welcome this cohort of new teachers to our community, celebrate a healthy enr...

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    Posted in: High School
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