Summer Academic Classes
High School

Landmark High School's four-week Summer Program offers exciting educational, cultural, and recreational experiences. The academic component is based on intensive skill building and strategy development. Students will participate in a schedule of four hour-long academic classes each morning.

An Academic Advisor and a Tutor work to build an individualized curriculum for every student. The one-to-one tutorial is designed to address the following areas of instruction, depending upon each student's specific needs:

  • Oral Reading
  • Spelling
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Written Expression
  • Study Skills

Classes focus on written expression for academics and every day life. Specific skill work covers topics such as sentence structure, punctuation, and descriptive language. Classes offer three basic levels of instruction:

  • Single-paragraph writing
  • Multi-paragraph writing
  • Essay writing

Classes offer individualized and systematic approaches that help students improve areas of weaknesses and math study skills. Goals include developing confidence and helping students to become better problem solvers. Students will be placed in one of two courses: Advanced Math or Topics of Algebra & Geometry I, II, or III.

Classes are designed to help students develop a more organized and independent approach to learning. Three primary areas of organization include: managing time, managing materials, and managing information. Students are taught and encouraged to understand their unique learning preferences. Students recognize and practice strategies to help them manage the demands of school and every day life. Students will:

  • Organize materials
  • Manage time
  • Take effective notes
  • Recognize and formulate main ideas
  • Paraphrase and summarize information

Classes are directed toward students in all grade levels who need extra reinforcement and practice of oral reading and comprehension skills. Classes begin with structured exercises that are drawn from linguistic and phonetic sources designed to enhance both word attack and decoding skills. Vocabulary enrichment and the recognition of literary elements are also stressed. Students read from a wide variety of literature including short stories, novels, plays, and biographies.

*Please note: Study Skills or Reading Literature will be assigned based on the individual needs of each student.

To learn more about academic course descriptions, see our High School Curriculum Guide.


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