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Coffee With Counselors

October 14th, 2022

Each month, Landmark's High School Transition and Guidance team hosts a virtual Coffee With Counselors meeting to brief parents and guardians on important deadlines, updates on college/university/program visits to campus, ways that families can prepare for post-secondary placements, and to answer questions. 

"There are so many questions related to standardized tests, application details and deadlines, financial aid, and more that we wanted to give parents and guardians an opportunity to learn as much about the process from our team, said Suzanne Crossman, director of the Transition and Guidance Office. 

The team counsels students from grades nine through twelve and provides support through the entire process from building a repertoire of extracurricular activities and researching programs to gathering materials and filling out applications. 94% of our graduates attend college, 100% are accepted, but we know college isn't for everyone. The team counsels many students in identifying other post-secondary opportunities from learning a trade, joining the military, starting work, and more. 

Learn more about Landmark High School's Transition and Guidance program. 



Posted in the category High School.