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Coffee Chats With Josh Clark

October 27th, 2022

Josh Clark, Landmark's new head of school, is on a listening campaign. He can be seen several times each week working at a small school desk in both the High School Alexander and Elementary•Middle School (EMS) lobbies inviting students to stop by and say hello. He meets frequently with faculty and staff, serves on a variety of committees, attends a myriad of events, and is getting to know our parent community of which he is a member with two children attending the EMS.

To that end, he's hosted a series of informal Coffee Chats on both campuses where parents/guardians are invited to relax, get to know one another, and ask Josh questions about his vision for the school, life, the educational landscape for schools like Landmark—and pretty much anything else on their minds. 

In a recent Coffee Chat, attendees asked a variety of questions from how to talk to their students about their dyslexia, fostering confidence and a hopeful outlook, how he's getting to know the students, the role of experiential learning, expanding their own understanding of dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities to better help their children—and everything in between. 

Josh graciously answered all questions asked of him and fostered new conversations that attendees clearly appreciated. Parents and guardians clearly felt heard, acknowledged the value of the opportunity to get to know each other in such a welcoming and informal setting, and have proven that they are thirsty for more. Josh is happy to oblige.

Posted in the categories High School, EMS.