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Multidisciplinary Field Trip to Maritime Gloucester

October 12th, 2023

By Sophie Wilson

The 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from Landmark EMS Middle School embarked on a multidisciplinary field trip to Maritime Gloucester. The students have been studying topics related to innovations and inventions in Science and about immigration in Language Arts. The visit allowed them to make real-life, local, and rich historic connections.

Students experienced museum artifacts and models, America’s oldest working seaport, historic schooners, docks, and full aquarium with touch tanks. This was paired with skilled scientist and knowledgeable historians who integrated Gloucester’s fishing industry, influx of immigrants, developments in technology, marine habitats, and economics.

The students cycled through The Gorton’s Gallery where they saw the evolution of the schooner hulls, how the demands for fishing changed (salted cod, frozen, fresh), how the industry/economics evolved, how all the factors influenced waves of newcomers from Sicily, Portugal, and the Azores, and how innovations came from the fishing industry (i.e., the first frozen foods, navigation, equipment alternatives, finding fish by understanding marine science and environments). Next, the students saw the marine railway and its purpose, and how that technology brought wealth to Massachusetts. Then they evaluated boat hull designs and how the dories developed as the key small boat for fishing. After that, the students visited the aquarium and touch tank to discuss marine environments, animal adaptations, invasive species, and other factors that affect fisheries.

Of course, they loved looking at and holding animals such as lobster, crabs, sea anemone, sea stars, skates, and flounders. Overall, the EMS middle schoolers had enriching opportunities to see first hand applications of STEM and make relationships with the past and developments that will impact the future in the beautiful and historic venue of Maritime Gloucester. 

Posted in the category EMS.