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Math Day 2022

February 11th, 2022

Several times a year, the Landmark High School Math Department hosts Math Day. When students come for their regularly scheduled math class, they get to participate in fun, creative, team-building, and strategic activities.

On Math Day in February, 2022, students used collaboration and their problem-solving skills to attempt to build vessels that would safely allowed their eggs to survive a 16-foot drop, using only a few specific materials. Many teams lovingly named their eggs, in hopes that this show of affection would help them to successfully weather the fall. Pictured below is "Joe", one student's egg that is being carefully wrapped with yarn, popsicle sticks, and other supplies.

For students less egg-static about the building challenge, they were able to use their skills to solve mathematical puzzles, riddles, and create art. 

Take a look.

Joe, the eggJoe, the egg

team building

Team Building

The Drop

The Drop

Not all eggs made it

Posted in the category High School.