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First EMS Cross Country Meet

September 20th, 2024

After several summer-like weeks of beautiful weather, the forecast wasn’t looking good for Landmark EMS's first cross-country race of the season. But a little rain would not dampen the spirit of this season’s EMS Cross Country team. For the past two weeks, the runners proved that they were ready to compete. Brookwood and Covenant Christian Academy would have to work hard to keep up with Landmark’s team.

Luckily, the rain held off and at 3:30, all three teams met at Iron Rail to walk our brand new 1.5-mile course. Records would be set at today’s race course. After the walk-through, the teams had some time to warm up and stretch before gathering on the starting line. On your marks…Get Set…GO

Setting the Landmark Boy’s Course Record for our team, Dennis J., who plays multiple sports, sped across the line for a third-place finish with a time of 9:52. That was a spectacular performance by our 6th-grade superstar. Setting the Overall Landmark Course Record was Jenna O., who makes running look so easy, with a blazing time of 9:02. Yes, 9 minutes and 2 seconds on a 1.5 miles challenging, hilly course. 

Congratulations to all of our runners. It was a victory for Landmark against Brookwood and CCA. Today’s race was a testament to the work they have put in so far to have a successful season. 

EMS cross country 2024

Posted in the category Athletics.