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High School Internships: Bridging Classroom Learning with Real-World Experience

May 10th, 2024

Students from both Landmark’s Senior Seminar courses and Student Advocates recently completed their two-week internship programs. 35 Landmark seniors got a chance to take their skills outside of the classroom, into the “real world”, and work alongside professionals in various fields ranging from the trades to science, law, creative fields, and much more. 

We want to thank all of the following people and businesses for supporting our program:

HM Aesthetic LLC, Jon Sarkin Art, DPW Water Treatment, Department of Public Works, North Shore Education Consortium, Carla Smith Interior Design, Pathways Head Start, Worthy Girl, Children’s Development Center in Hamilton, House Wright Co., BMW, Woodman’s of Essex, BHGRE - The Shanahan Group, West Parish Elementary School in Gloucester, Ipswich District Court in Newburyport, Delphine’s Kitchen, HAWC in Salem, UBS Financial in Marblehead, Harborlight Montessori School, Bev Cam, Hamilton Police Department, Wenham Museum, Clay Dreaming, Paul Gamber DMD, Essex County District Court in Salem, Tool Inc., Addison Gilbert Hospital, Gloucester Chamber of Commerce, Topsfield Police Department, Christiana’s Med Spa, Ipswich River Watershed Association, Peer Projects in Beverly, Tot Spot at Landmark School, and Endicott Police Department. 

Thank you also to Ms. Day-Laporte for coordinating the internship program along with Ms. Burgess, Ms. Cassidy, Mr. Feld, Ms. Harrison, Ms. Kwedor, Ms. Ryan, and Ms. Vener.

Students will showcase what they learned throughout their internships at a showcase on Monday morning at the high school campus. 

Posted in the category High School.